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PostgreSQL meetup #2

ZIRA Group

ZIRA & Cybertec have organised 2nd PG meet-up to share experience and knowledge with local PG community and IT professionals. Meetup was hosted with one only purpose, to unite PostgreSQL enthusiasts and experts.

Meetup vol. 2 main topics:

  • What’s new in PostgreSQL 14
  • PostgreSQL: Our triumph over Italy with PG
  • PSQL—Superior CLI for PostgreSQL admin and ops


  • Hans-Jürgen Schönig, CYBERTEC PostgreSQL International GmbH
  • Merima Žiko, ZIRA
  • Haris Lihovac, CYBERTEC PostgreSQL International GmbH—CYBERTEC—Data Science & PostgreSQL


Sarajevo – Tershouse – Kolodvorska 5

09.12.2021 at 17:30h