News Future-proofing

ZIRA supports children in need

“Together we stand looking forward and building a better future for those who it belongs to – our children. “Srce za djecu oboljelu od raka” and ZIRA, as a socially responsible company, share similar missions, our focus being education, future, progress and development.”

SOS Children’s Village

To provide children around the country with the everyday essentials such as clothes, school supplies, toys, books, and shoes. SOS Children’s Villages started activities in BiH in 1994. Thereafter, SOS Child and Youth Clubs were established, and in 1996 the construction of the first SOS Children’s Village for children without parental care already began.

Children with cancer “Srce zadjecu oboljelu od raka”

A short video with the story about a partnership based on the most humane gesture of support and building the future together for a better world for children with cancer.

Together we stand, looking forward and building a better future for those to whom it belongs—our children. “Srce za djecu oboljelu od raka” and ZIRA, a socially responsible company, share similar missions, with our mutual focus being educationfuture, progress and development. The ZIRA turned out to be the ideal partner to build a future for our little ones and their families.

The ZIRA provides a considerable amount to support the Parents’ House in Sarajevo, helping two apartments function and maintaining the terrace as a social and relaxation space for parents, aptly naming it “Terrace with a better view into the future,” as well as purchasing playground equipment for the yard of the Parents’ House of Srce za djecu oboljelu od raka.

This is one of the activities marking the 25th anniversary of this local company whose products are used in over thirty countries around the world, organized under the slogan “Courage is what IT takes.” This support maintains the flame of hope for the diseased children, as their future is no longer uncertain with a partner like this, a partner who will stand shoulder to shoulder by your side through the severest storms. The support for the investments of the local companies, such as ZIRA, in the local community was given by Grad Sarajevo—City of Sarajevo—with the Mayor Benjamina Karić rođ. Londrc.